January 28, 2009

"My Name 'Jehovah' Was Not Known To Them"

There are several things that have happened within the last year, as well as the last 24 hours, that have caused my heart to continually repeat, "I trust You Lord." I can't think of how many times I have said, with a somewhat self-righteous attitude, "Of COURSE I trust the Lord! Though all men forsake Him, I won't. He is Christ, the Son of the living God. Where else could I go? Only You, Lord, have the words of eternal life!" On and on the list could read of things I've said so easily when life was only slightly tumultuous. Days of temporary trials with ample recovery time. But I personally believe these are the days where "rubber will meet the road" for us all. What do we truly know and believe about our God?

In Ex.6:3, God spoke to Moses and told him that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were limited in their understanding of Who God was. They knew Him by the name "God Almighty (El Shaddai)" but they did not know Him by the name "Jehovah (the Self-Existent One)." There was an aspect of God's character that was going to be revealed to the generation Moses was with, which was entirely unknown to those who walked with God before them.

Changes in times and seasons can push us into a need to know God in a new way. When yesterday's understanding does not meet the need that we face today. When I was first saved, my earthly father passed away soon after from prostate cancer. There was a false sense of security I had by having a dad to fall back on if I needed something...even though our relationship was not very good. It was the week of his funeral when I began to pray for the Lord to show me He was my Abba Father. After many years of singleness and a brief, yet horrendous failed marriage, I began to cry out for the Lord to show me how He was my True Husband. I knew it in my head and learned the scriptures in Bible study...but I needed to KNOW Him as my Beloved Husband in a very real sense. I have found Him to be a faithful Deliverer, Redeemer, Great Physician, Shepherd, Shield, Rock, Friend, and so on...as He has allowed me to confront trials, obstacles and circumstances that precipitated my prayers to know Him better.

As I awoke this morning, I was overwhelmed with grief from being unable to reach my mother in KY who is in the midst of this treacherous ice storm. She's never been through one before and was not prepared ahead of time. Her heat, garage door, computer, etc. all depend upon electricity which will be out for a long time. While I watched her local news on the internet, they announced they were operating on a generator and were going to shut down. Even the cell phone towers out. The south is not prepared for snow and ice like the north is. The roads are now impassable with emergency crews unable to help anyone themselves. She is alone with no family close by.

"Rubber meets the road." What do I believe and know about God?

I believe He is an "ever present help in time of need." I believe He is able to reach anyone at anytime without limitations, barriers or impassable obstacles. I believe He is there with her supplying His grace and power and will work all of this out for the good. It's only the details I don't know yet. There is no hindsight....but with God, it's always 20/20 vision. He is El Roi..."the God Who Sees". I know Him by that name from past experience.

But I admit, I am looking forward to growing in my understanding of His name in an even deeper more personal way. Circumstances are pushing me to pray for more of Him. My heart echoes, "I trust You, Lord...with all my heart."