February 15, 2010

Fellowship With Our Eyelids

It's Monday. Normally, I'm at church for women's prayer and my girl is off playing with one of her adopted aunts, but it's the season where colds spread at the speed of our national debt. So, I get to play nurse and fight germ warfare for homeland security instead. It takes some mighty big bacteria to knock that toddler off her feet, but I got extra time in the Word this morning as a result.

Remember the passage in Luke 9:28-32 "And it came to pass...(Jesus) took Peter and John and James...to a mountain to pray." Now pushing our Sunday school responses aside, you have to admit, THAT is a special prayer meeting! Have you ever really imagined yourself in one of those disciple's places? Picture yourself right there. Jesus looks over and says, "Let's you and I go with James and John to the top of this mountain to pray." I can visualize jumping to my feet, fighting pride (in complete futility), and walking up the side of the mountain with Jesus. Once there, I probably would have done a lot of listening and agreed with everything the Lord said. Whatever His words were, He was right. If my eyes were closed, I would've peeked. If I would've peeked, I'd have seen what those three honored guests missed.

"And as He was praying, the appearance of His countenance became altered (different), and His raiment became dazzling white [flashing with the brilliance of lightning]."(Amplified)

You know the story...Jesus' humanity instantly changed and Moses and Elijah appear and talk with Him. What did they say?! Sometimes, we read over scriptures and miss the stunning revelations because of our familiarity. It must have been a phenomenal experience...that Peter, James and John were missing because they were asleep. Asleep!

Just when I think "I'd never...how could they?" the Lord reminds me how many invitations to pray with a few friends I didn't show up for. He reminds me how many times I've gone to prayer and didn't listen, but voiced my petitions and left. He reminded me of the many ways that I have also "slept" and missed out on opportunities to see Him glorified.

But we have a gracious Savior Who still allowed those sleeping disciples to see and hear the "glorious" once they woke up. They also heard the voice of the Father speak to them directly afterward. No matter where we find ourselves today, we can pray. We can ask the Lord to give us ears to hear His voice. We can ask the Lord to keep us alert and spiritually "awake". We can ask Him to show us, if we have forgotten or do not realize, the gracious and innumerable privileges we have by being able to pray and talk with God.

John 20:29 "Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."