December 20, 2008

Elmo Needs Gram's House

My mother and sister-in-law have a running joke between them. If my niece or nephews are given a very loud, obnoxious toy, it's automatically labeled "Gram's House toy". My mom doesn't seem too deterred by this as she still buys battery-operated mayhem in a toy disguise.

Something truly miraculous occurs all over this country that I have never seen nor read about in any periodical, medical journal, or Discovery Health show. As a mother gives physical birth, many grandparents give birth to a strange new level of tolerance and patience for clamor, noise, incessant blinking lights, and repetitiously high-pitched voices from dolls and characters.'s a miracle for grandparents and it's wrapped up and tucked in their love for the grandchild.

Our little miracle girl is 18 months old now and while shopping at Target two months ago, her eyes fastened on a large Elmo doll. I lost my rational thinking when I saw her eyes light up just as round as her opened mouth. I reached over and pushed Elmo's foot then watched him bow down and tell my daughter how much he loved her and then blew two kisses. Two chubby arms snatched Elmo out of my hands and wrapped themselves tightly around Elmo's box. Behind the box came the familiar words "Ohhhhhhh wwwwooooooowwwww!!!" and a relationship was made without my permission yet with my assistance.

Elmo arrived at our house two weeks ago via her Grandma visiting early for Christmas. He is not leaving because "Gram's House" is too far he's a permanent resident. I haven't lost my sanity, nor my relationship with the Lord, but I believe I may be on to something that Jesus MUST...MUST...have coming in the very near future for me. My 24 year-old son is about to find a wife! This way, I can quickly become a grandparent and have birthed within me that miraculous patience, tolerance, and overall sense of peace and joy when Elmo says for the 6,824,369th time..."Elmo fell down. Can you help Elmo?" Yes, it might be all about me, but I can now imitate that little voice to perfection and that's not something you put on a resume.

Yes...I know. Bad theology, wrong doctrine, self-centered and not Biblical. Humor just helps me avoid harmful thoughts of small, red, furry mechanical puppets with high-pitched, loud voices is all. :)