March 7, 2009

Momentary Glimpses

Despite my battling illness on two fronts, the heat wave of 55 degrees was a royal invitation to come out of hibernation. Maybe "cabin fever" would qualify as a third illness, but there were no hurdles I was not prepared to jump. With a freshly fed baby, loaded diaper bag and upbeat worship music in the background, our salt covered van became heaven's chariot to remind me what life looked like outside of igloo walls in NY.

Whenever I drive I always tilt my rear view mirror in order to see the baby as well as out the back window. She's at the age where conversation is becoming a constant, with intermittent times of singing the alphabet song or Psalty's greatest hits. As I sat at a stoplight and glimpsed up in the mirror, I was struck by profound truths in mere seconds.

"Past roads glimpsed through dirty glass memories,

Future paths beckon in tinted window possibilities,

Reality stares in reflections of the present."

The Lord seemed to show me so many applications of His Word in that one glimpse that it filled my entire day with thoughts of Him and the scriptures. I'll leave it in His hands to expound to you individually if He'd choose. But I'm sure at least one verse is right at the edge of your thoughts as you read...