July 13, 2010

Coffee Thoughts

The air was thick, hot and made your skin feel like the sticky side of tape, but it didn't stop us from having fun last night. Daddy played the guitar and sang songs, ranging from country knee-slappers to worship music, while our 3 year old danced with moves that have never been created by another human being. It must be my husband's side...

By the time we tucked her in bed, I was convinced that all three of us would fall asleep once we closed our eyes to pray. Nevertheless, we made it half-way through when my daughter stopped us and said, "I can't pray."

"Why can't you pray?" I asked.

"I can't work anymore. I'm done working" she answered.

Once she learns the scriptures, I bet there's going to be some interesting conversations in our future. But I was thinking about prayer this morning. Prayer is definitely work. Yet, it's to be motivated by love. When you take any act of service or duty or responsibility and add sincere love to it, then it's transformed into delight, rather than drudgery. It causes joy rather than resentment. It blesses the heart of God.

Whether it be prayer, going to church, cleaning floors, doing laundry, or working in a Godless environment in the world, may our hearts be motivated by love for Jesus. Enjoy your day!