December 31, 2008

Will You Gain In 2009?

I was sitting on the family room floor, engulfed by a rainbow of yarn skeins, when my yarn basket suddenly began to hover and float across the room. There in its stead was a small, velvety blue M&M bag that my daughter has carried as a purse for the last two weeks. No one taught her how to carry one and Lord KNOWS I did not teach her how to cock her wrist back in a supremely feminine fashion. (My purse has been a diaper bag for the last 19 months!) Nevertheless...she not only knows instinctively how to be a "girly girl," but how to be discontent with what you have and shed it for something seemingly bigger or better.

She walked from the family room to the workroom and said "Hi Da!" while teetering unsteadily from side to side. During her U-turn back towards me, she stumbled and quickly realized the basket was way too difficult to carry. She ran to me frustrated and perspiring and said "Peez peeeeez!!!!!!!!" Her two Lego blocks at the bottom of this monstrosity were unreachable for toddler arms so a "mommy rescue mission" was called for.

A few moments later, I was once again adding yarn to my prodigal basket and Maddie had her M&M bag stuffed with blocks and a couple of neighborhood dominoes. All was right with her world again.

There is no telling what the year ahead holds for each of us. Only God knows our tomorrows and He has promised that He's already in them waiting for us. We may go through similar times in that we live in the same area...same nation...have the same rulers, etc. Yet, on a personal level, 2009 may hold a vast array of joys and sorrows with treasure-filled memories or moments of regret. One scripture the Lord stamped across my thoughts this morning, while watching Maddie groan and stumble trying to carry an over-sized basket she exchanged for her pint-sized purse, 1Tim. 6:6-8 "But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content."

2009 holds a promise of "great gain" for me...IF I rest in contentment with what I'm given from my God Whose name is "Jehovah-Jireh." My Provider...